Product Liability Attorney in Fort Lauderdale, FL

If you have access to social media or any kind of news outlet, then you have heard of at least one recall in the last year. A product recall can happen in any industry including automobile, food, toys, baby products, health and beauty, etc. In fact, each year millions of products are recalled because it has been found that they are unsafe or defective in some way. The sad part is that, in order for the recall to happen, someone has to get hurt and prove the product unsafe.

Jeffrey N. Ivashuk believes those injured because of dangerous or defective products should be compensated for their injuries and their family’s financial future protected. Unfortunately, those victims are just ordinary people trying to make it through each day while recovering from their injury, and they are up against a large and powerful insurance company. The entire process can be very intimidating and overwhelming. Having an experienced and highly-skilled personal injury attorney on your side can make a huge difference! Our team can help you to secure the financial compensation that you are entitled to.

Some of the legal arguments that you can file your claim based on include:
● The design of the product is flawed or dangerous. These products released for public consumption, and it is found that using them creates an unsafe situation. There are often recalls on new baby products that result in this scenario.
● The integrity of the item is damaged. These products are usually a one-off and have somehow made it through the quality assurance measures. The product is damaged or assembled incorrectly and causes injury.
● The product is released to the public without proper warning or instructions. It is then used in a way that was not warmed against and causes injury.

Filing a personal injury claim caused by a defective product can be a very intimidating process. Not only are you going up against a large manufacturer but, you are going up against their insurance company, who has unlimited resources.

You need an expert personal injury attorney in your corner who has years of experience and training in these types of cases. If a product has caused you or someone that you love an injury or loss – make sure to call our office right away. The sooner that we can start to pull together your medical records and get the timeline established, the sooner we can put together a strong case on your behalf and secure the compensation that you deserve!